Condition Before treatment

A 14 year old girl presented to our clinic as she was concerned that her friends at school notice that she had a uneven shoulders and that she looks wonky. Her mother has also noticed the same include that she had one shoulder blades which appeared to be more prominent. The girl had lost confidence and esteem and wanted to do something about it. After the assessment she had a 38 degrees left thoracolumbar curve and a 28 degrees right thoracic curve
Condition After treatment

After 12 months of treatment, the first post brace xray showed a significant improvement in the curve magnitude with only 11 degrees left thoracolumbar curve and 15 degrees right thoracic curve.
Treatment Result

The patient was then prescribed exercises specific to her scoliosis curve and after 5 years post brace her curve continue to decrease significantly showing only a 5 degrees left thoracolumbar curve and a 8 degrees right thoracic curve.